Great Australian Outdoors – Issue 5 out now!

If ever there was a time for SSAA Queensland members to buy a copy of Great Australian Outdoors (GAO) magazine, it is now, with Issue 5 heavily featuring the Sunshine State.

Of course, it includes other exciting areas of Australia, such as the Central Highlands of Tasmania, the Murray River in South Australia, a Top End treasure and Australia’s own ‘Grand Canyon’ in NSW.

With 198 pages of destination, exploration and conservation, plus reviews on products to help you enjoy the great outdoors, there is sure to be something for everyone.

To fast-track your copy of GAO 5, order directly from SSAA Queensland via or by ringing 07 3492 9237.


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The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) was established in 1948 in order to promote the shooting sports and protect firearms owners’ interests. Those roles remain the same today and with more than 78,000 members, SSAA Queensland is the premier body representing licensed firearms owners in Queensland.

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